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A middle school student who sent a photo of her exposure to the owner of an adult goods store


image text translation

(1)The owner’s story
(2)There are people who often talk about perversions and things like that
(3)The redline490 gmailcom on the banner advertisement for requesting a story
(5)And I got a call
(6)That’s where the delivery business is
(7)For example, it’s like this
(8)Here’s where the delivery business works
(9)I’m going to cook with Beop-stal-sa
(10)The delivery business is all over the place
(12)Yum drawing
(13)It’s good to say “Jeong X”
(14)How to solve the delivery business here Gas exploration
(15)He referred to me like this
(16)Thank you for the delivery
(17)If I’m here without answering
(18)Delivery sleep here MJ
(19)Lee is
(20)He kept asking me that question
(21)How to draw
(22)at a high water level
(23)What happened two years ago
(24)Ask for a commercial for the deputy director’s story story
(25)one’s own
(26)New Banner Inquiry
(27)Banner advertising for story application
(28)Let’s stand it up
(29)Business application banner advertisement
(30)There are pictures
(31)He sent it to me
(32)How to draw
(33)The moment I received that
(34)I was really surprised
(35)Here’s where the delivery business works
(36)How surprised would you be
(37)Delivery exploration is here
(38)If that’s the case, I sent it
(40)I filed a complaint
(41)Business is settled here
(42)But it turned out that
(43)Do you know how old you are
(44)Sleeping is all solved here
(45)How old were you
(46)It’s solved here, where you’re good at delivering
(47)100 years old
(48)Let’s do this
(49)How to do it
(50)A kid who’s only in first or second grade
(51)He was joking with me like that
(52)So my dad called me
(53)Request a story Banner Advertising Inquiry
(54)I’m so sorry
(55)The message application banner advertisement
(56)But I was like that then
(58)If you leave your father and son alone
(59)Later on
(60)Request a story, ask for Venner advertisement
(61)There’s a chance that you’re going to be a sexist

image text translation

(1)Inquiry for banner advertisement requesting for the president’s story story. redine490 gmailcom
(2)It’s too high
(3)For your children
(4)For the sake of life
(5)I can’t just forgive you like this
(6)I’m going to hand it over now
(7)When you have sex education
(8)Your father’s son’s future
(9)Request a story Banner Advertising Inquiry
(10)I think I’ll be healthier
(11)The delivery business is all over here
(12)How to make sales free of charge
(13)Search Naver Cafe
(14)There’s no gif


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