image text translation
(1)To the airport, tricked to a separate destination…They kidnapped international students and sent them to the country
(2)Registration 2023-12-120500 Modification 2023-12-12 1006
(3)Reporter Lee Junhee, subscription
(4)22 Uzbek destinations
(5)We’re on the bus, and we’re gonna get our phones confiscated
(6)Hanshin University Language School Uzbek students are heading to Incheon International Airport on Nov. 27 on a bus Video provided by Hanshin University
(7)Hanshin University has sent 22 Uzbek students who attended a Korean language school affiliated with the university to return home en masse even though the semester is not over The university said the students voluntarily boarded the return flight, but the international students say the school, which had no authority, forced them to leave the country using physical force As the Uzbek Embassy in Seoul, which received the report, began to investigate the truth against schools and the Ministry of Justice, there are even signs of diplomatic conflict
(1)To sum up the Hankyoreh coverage on the 11th, Woods was studying at Hanshin University Language School in Osan, Gyeonggi-doimage text translation
(2)Twenty-three Pakistani international students got on the bus on the morning of November 27 after being told by the school that they had to go to the immigration office to receive their alien registration cards. However, contrary to the initial story, the bus headed directly to Incheon International Airport after carrying employees of a private security company at Hwaseong Byeongje Station instead of going to the immigration office in Pyeongtaek After arriving at the airport, faculty and security workers put 22 people on a flight back home booked in advance, except for one who complained of health problems
(3)If you listen to international students, the faculty and staff on the bus say, “If you go to the immigration office now, you have to go to jail.” He said he had to leave the country in advance in order to come back to Korea The faculty and staff also seized the students’ cell phones with the help of security company employees On the same day, the school expelled all Uzbekistan language trainees for reasons such as △ failure to submit entry documents △ unauthorized departure from the dormitory △ poor learning attitude △ violation of dignity
(1)One student, who did not want to be identified by his name, said in a video interview with Hankyoreh, “The school’s liesimage text translation
(2)I was deceived into getting on the bus, and after a while, the security company employees in black got on the bus. I was scared to hear from the school staff that I was going to prison, and I had no choice but to get on the plane. But now, they say they won’t return the money unless they recognize their voluntary departure.” Another student said, “It doesn’t make sense to have a whole student leave the country like this because some students have a problem. Hanshin University even booked a plane ticket without us knowing, so how can they do this?”
a summary of the case
0 Foreign students need to maintain their balance of 10 million won for 3 months to maintain their visa
However, Hanshin University mistakenly announced that it only needs to maintain the balance for one day, and all illegal residents will be judged by the school
1 International students were tricked into going to the immigration office and got on the bus
2 People in private security firms in black were forced to confiscate their cell phones
If you don’t leave the country now, everyone can go to jail He’s threatening to let me come back if I leave now
4 When foreign students leave the country, all of them are enrolled due to their poor attitude toward violating the dignity of the dormitory
5 If you do not write a memorandum of voluntary departure, you will not be able to refund the remaining tuition fees
6 Uzbek Embassy is spreading into diplomatic conflict over fact-finding