image text translation
(1)How about now
(2)How to have fun in life
(3)Smile · Send auditor number 2 adoption rate 63 closing rate 63
(4)I’m a high school senior
(5)Life is so boring and boring ==
(6)My friends seem to be playing well, but I don’t think I’m playing well
(7)There’s nothing to focus on
(8)What should I do
(9)It’s pathetic that I don’t even know what I want to do
(10)Is there a way to have fun
(11)I want to change my life in a fun way
(1)Questioner Adoptionimage text translation
(2)Chos’ answer
(3)Master – Adopted Answer 189 Auditors 3
(4)Activity Field Math Bupyeong Station Jumper Jacket Coat
(5)You’re a senior in high school
(6)I’m a senior in high school. I’m an older sister
(7)I’ve done all kinds of shows to have fun in my life
(8)There was nothing really fun
(9)Looking for something fun in life is, like, “Hwang in the trash.”
(10)If you look at Death Note, the main character is having fun with his notebook
(11)That’s not going to happen
(12)I studied hard to make it fun. I ranked 100th
(13)Hold on. It’s fun
(14)Even if I have a boyfriend, this is fun
(15)If you break up, you’ll feel more empty
(16)When I was in my 2nd year of high school, I didn’t buy my friends
(17)I went to school in a state of mind
(18)I’ve been wandering around, but this is only a little fun. Actually, it was more boring than fun
(19)Life is just like this
(20)It was hard for me to make friends when I was in 2nd grade I’m a friend to you
(21)I used to be alone when I was in my 2nd year of high school and came up to my 3rd year of high school
(22)Don’t you become everyone’s lover
(23)Life is fun
(24)What do you want me to do
(25)If I’m having fun
(1)Go out to a nearby park between 8 and 10 p.m. and feel comfortable like a training suitimage text translation
(2)I’m wearing clothes that I can see
(3)It’s nice to take a walk in an MP
(4)It’s just that there needs to be a lot of people
(5)I thought it would be fun if I had a lot of friends, but it would be fun if I had them
(6)If you don’t have it, it’s all empty
(7)But don’t study for fun –Chu-Chu
(8)Studying is just an industry of work, and you should never take a break from it
(9)Also, don’t spend time on TV
(10)If you think about it, there’s nothing really interesting
(11)I have to go to school tomorrow, but I’m jealous of the kids who don’t go
(12)I can’t tell you anything interesting
(13)If you’re tired of life and lonely, just enjoy it
(14)What’s the point of having a gokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
(15)Buy one friend you really need and throw it away LOL, just
(16)I can see you when you were in 2nd grade
(17)And if you want to play well with your friends, smile no matter what
(18)Even if they get angry, they laugh
(19)Please laugh even if it’s not funny
(20)And enjoy solitude
(21)I don’t think there’s anything more fun than having fun alone lol
(22)Traveling alone is more fun
(1)If you’re lonely, write me a noteimage text translation
(2)I can’t enjoy it, but I can do it for you
(3)Thank you with N points
(4)Questioner Adoption
(5)Additional questions from the questioner
(6)I’m sorry
(7)I left a question and saw it for the first time. Haha
(8)Thank you for your answer. That’s a good answer
(9)Report 20211107
(1)Additional answers from Q&A respondentsimage text translation
(2)Hello questioner, it’s been 14 years since I saw you!I’ve lived without an intellectual since I was a teenager, and I was surprised to get 10,000 points today!
(3)To shoot 10,000 points at someone you don’t even know for a cup of coffee means you have that much time to spare
(4)Now that I’m in my 30s, will my life be more fun
(5)or are you feeling tired because of different factors from your teenage years
(6)No matter what kind of life you’re living, your choice will always be towards the right place
(7)I’m sure you and I will have a lot of boring times in the future, but remember this day and laugh it off happily!
(8)I will support your life in your 30s
(9)20211108 Report
(10)Why am I crying? They are warm people (Crying)
(11)It looks like a movie from the early 2000s.ⓒpetal_10