Why the paper straw that an incumbent scientist tells me is suddenly gone

Why the paper straw that an incumbent scientist tells me is suddenly gone

image text translation

(1)paper straw durability
(2)Performance Gudaegi
(4)used as a coating material
(5)pfas. This kind of substance becomes a problem
(6)Performance Gudder Safety
(7)a paper straw
(8)material for internal coating
(9)HJ: The one that’s used the most is the eight
(10)pfoa with carbon
(11)▷ It doesn’t break down naturally
(12)No, it’s almost forever
(13)DDT insecticide
(14)plastic plasticizer
(15)I’ll erase it. My mouth will bite
(16)The reason why I don’t want to do it is pcb
(17)To the point where my shoulders are parallel to each other
(18)If it’s leaked into the environment, it’s going to cause a big problem
(19)a rise in blood pressure
(20)a rise in cholesterol levels
(21)a decrease in vaccine immunization
(22)Increased fat accumulation leads to obesity
(24)3② After pregnancy with decreased renal function, implantation
(25)fatal to the liver

The performance is good, too

Coating material inside is equivalent to DDT

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