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Legendary 148cm man’s daily life


Legendary 148cm man's daily life

image text translation

(1)Korea 017 148 cm short Nam Sam-hyun 17 cm tall lover who overcame the height difference is revealed to the public
(2)A Martian virus sees a 148-cm man and finds him saying he is Martian
(3)South Korea 017 148 cm short man
(4)Hwaseong-hyun’s lover who overcame the height difference of 17cm revealed to the public
(5)How tall are you
(6)It’s all of a sudden
(7)Church Castle Korea 017 148 cm Short South Hwaseong person 17 cm Height difference Overcoming lover revealed to the public
(8)I’m 148cm
(9)Men are 148cm tall
(10)Oseong-il, Republic of Korea 01 148 cm Short Man Hwaseong-in 17 cm Height difference Overcoming lover’s height difference revealed to the public
(11)the height of the Martians that is clearly compared to Guin
(12)Waiting to go to the movies with my friends
(13)Oseongin Republic of Korea 017 148 cm Short Man
(14)Adult 17cm height difference overcoming lover revealed
(15)They’re all tall
(16)01 148 cm short man of Korea in Oseong
(17)Hwaseong Fortress’s 17cm height difference has been overcome
(18)It’s 188cm
(19)The oldest friend is 188cm
(20)Martian, Republic of Korea 017 148 cm Short Man
(21)A game of height measurement with adults
(22)You have to go next to me and say “Seobo”
(23)40cm difference is about this much
(24)South Korea 017 148 Short Man
(25)The lover who overcame the height difference vs. Gong Yoo Seong-hyun 17 cm
(26)~Must-have items for Martians before entering the flower hall
(27)I’m going to go in to watch a movie
(28)Suddenly, a man took care of the cushion
(29)Korea 017 148 cm short man on the 26th
(30)A lover who overcame a 17cm height difference. A public Mars person
(31)The seats are for Martians’ cushions!
(32)Korea 017148 cm Short Man on the 28th
(33)Overcome the Great Revelation, Chaiki Hwaseongin
(34)Hae Min Lee”148 cm Short Shin Man
(35)If the person in front of you isn’t watching a tall movie, but looking at your hair
(36)Put the baby’s sheet on it It’s my own know-how
(37)to sit on a cushion without being aware of others
(38)Martian, South Korea’s 01 short-sleeved guy
(39)Overcoming the height difference 17 cm
(40)Hae Min Lee 148 cm Short Man >>>>>
(41)The reason I don’t grow is because I’m not feeling well. It’s not like I have a music festival
(42)It’s not a gate, it’s not genetic. It’s not in my body
(43)Republic of Korea 01
(44)Han Hae-min’s Hwaseong In-nam
(45)I’m sure there are, but I’m sure there’s a reason why
(46)DOLC, I don’t think you’re tall
(48)148cm short
(49)My mother’s size is 168cm, and my father’s size is that much
(50)My sister is about 170cm tall
(51)South Korea’s 017 short-sleeved guy
(52)a lover who has overcome the difference in height
(53)22cm height difference with Martian sister!
(54)No, my mother is 168 centimeters tall, but she didn’t grow, and strangely, her sister was 170 centimeters tall, but 148 centimeters, which is the most important thing for her
(56)017 148 cm in Korea. 17 cm in Hwaseong. 17 cm in overcoming lover difference
(57)My girlfriend was supposed to come, but she’s not coming
(58)have a girlfriend
(59)Environmental Republic of Korea 01
(60)My lover who overcame the height difference of 17cm
(61)The appearance of an elegant, tall Earthman
(62)Hwaseong-in, a lover who overcame the 01st height difference in Korea
(63)01 148 cm short man in Korea
(64)Iran >>>>> Mars Girlfriend
(65)You look tall. How tall are you
(67)Hwaseong-in Korea 01 148 cm Hwaseong-in 17 cm height overcome lover difference
(68)Daily soju
(69)Iranian Martian Girlfriend
(70)There’s a big difference in ball control because I wear two, but even if I take off my shoes, there’s usually a difference
(71)It’s me
(72)Hwaseong Fortress, Republic of Korea 17 cm 017 148 cm Overcoming Love Difference
(73)Martians devastating the streets
(74)Hwaseong In Korea 017 148 cm Hwaseong In 17 cm A lover who overcame the height difference
(75)He’s trying hard
(76)I’m 17cm apart from my girlfriend
(77)I’m going to take a step up to meet my eye level
(78)the present nature
(79)Han Hae-min’s 148 cm short man Hwaseong-in
(80)Year 007~20102
(81)It’s been 4 years
(82)I’ve been dating my girlfriend for 4 years
(83)Korea 01 148 cm overcoming lover difference on the 16th
(84)Iran>>Hwaseong’s girlfriend has a certain charmI can’t answer anything if I pick it up and tell you
(85)Like that
(86)17 cm in the Republic of Korea, Mars
(87)an infinitely caring Martian
(88)When I asked him where his boyfriend is attractive and that he’s attractive when he’s small and that he’s kind
(89)Hae Min Lee>> 148 cm Short Man Hwaseong Fortress
(90)I don’t have a mole. My girlfriend is drunk It’s hard when you walk around with someone who stumbles but can’t wear it
(91)I want to carry my drunk girlfriend on my back when I ask her what’s hard about going around with me
(92)It’s said that you can’t carry someone on your back because your legs are dragging
(94)Silver leg pose
(95)When it’s lunchtime, I’m going to eat at a meat restaurant that doesn’t care about other people’s eyes
(96)I bought it
(97)I don’t care if people look at me
(99)A lover who overcame the 17cm height difference is revealed to the public
(100)I’m not trying to hurt him
(101)How can a guy like that make a girlfriend
(102)Hwaseong-in Korea 01 148 cm Hwaseong-in 17 cm height difference overcome lover
(103)I feel inferior
(104)I’m sorry for the inferiority complex
(105)South Korea 017 148 cm overcoming lover difference
(106)Yes, I don’t even put insole in my shoes
(107)01 148 cm 17 cm of the overcoming lover’s difference
(108)I don’t wear a high hat
(109)Korea, China, Korea 01 A lover who overcame the short difference in male height
(110)Martian 17cm
(111)201 that doesn’t care about other people’s photo strikes
(112)You don’t have to try to look tall, and you don’t have to be a man who doesn’t feel like you’re going to enjoy your own life, and you don’t care


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