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Don’t eat a fish that covers the coast without knowing the cause of the explosion


Local residents reportedly responded that they had never seen so many sardine carcasses flocking at once

On its website, it announced to the residents, “Don’t eat fish.”

The reason why China is so interested in the carcasses of sardines washed up on the coast of Japan is because of Japan

Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant Contaminated Water Disposal Water’ to the Sea

appear to be related to

Chinese netizens responded in the comments of the article, saying, “It was caused by the discharge of nuclear wastewater contaminated water,” “I believe that countless sardines have died due to nuclear pollution,” and “The time when humanity will become extinct due to the release of nuclear wastewater by Japan will not be far away.”

When Japan began discharging contaminated water into the ocean on August 24, China immediately suspended all imports of Japanese seafood, and China and Japan are at odds over contaminated water

That’s obviously a terrible sight that can’t be understood without the impact of nuclear pollution!

I’m really curious what the pro-Japanese groups who said there’s no problem with Fukushima contaminated water will say when they see that

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