image text translation
(1)Anonymous edition > I got caught wearing my sister’s clothes yesterday, so my sister
(2)I even told my mom. 763fa95b20180807
(3)214922 Skip Body
(4)My mom asked me to go to the psychiatric department seriously. What should I say
(5)Will I be able to appeal that I’m normal
(6)It was just a voice change program and I got caught
(7)I’m going to film a video wearing women’s clothes. What division is this
(8)It’s not normal;;
(9)I think it’s right to see a psychiatrist. Okay
(10)Anonymous edition > Gaebung, who got caught wearing her sister’s clothes yesterday
(11)I went to see a psychiatrist dffbdf6e20180811 171321 Skip body
(12)It’s about pedophilia and double role pedophilia and fetishism
(13)I was so frustrated that I almost died. I was going to hit my daughter. What is this
(14)That’s the castle arrival card, Gaebung
(15)have a sex card