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Breaking news Foreign media Yun Hang-moon’s press suppression is serious.jpg


Breaking news Foreign media Yun Hang-moon's press suppression is serious.jpg

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(1)U.S. Voice of America Gov. Accuses Journalists at Record Speed
(2)Entry 20231208 246 PM Articles
(3)U.S. state media reports refute the president’s response to fake news in accordance with laws and principles
(4)▲ VOA, a U.S. state media outlet, reported that defamation charges against the media have increased under the Yoon Suk Yeoln government.ⓒ VOA reports

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(1)U.S. state media reported that defamation charges against the media have increased under the Yoon Suk Yeoln government
(2)On the 7th, local time, the U.S. state media VOA reported an article titled Under Yoon South Korea Defamation Cases Against Media Rise in defamation charges against the media under the Korean Yoon Suk Yeoln government
(3)VOA reported last year that South Korean media poured out articles after Yoon Suk Yeol was caught using vulgar language after a meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden, adding that some called U.S. lawmakers “e-XX,” which could be potentially embarrassing for President Yoon, who has prioritized close ties with the U.S., his longtime ally
(4)VOA was the first to report the remarks by MBC, one of South Korea’s largest broadcasters, saying the president’s office was angry and claimed that the president actually disparaged a South Korean lawmaker, not a U.S. lawmaker During President Yoon’s next overseas tour, MBC reporters were banned from boarding presidential aircraft. President Yoon criticized the report for violating national interests, he reported

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Breaking news Foreign media Yun Hang-moon's press suppression is serious.jpg

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(1)VOA pointed out that Korea’s defamation law, unlike the U.S., can be considered a crime if it does not meet the public interest even if it tells the truth. It also pointed out that journalists and media are charged with defamation and face expensive legal costs and court appearances for months or years
(2)VOA also cited Kim Dong-hoon, chairman of the Korea Journalists Association, saying that the unprecedented search and seizure of the prosecution’s investigation team was worrisome, and introduced the recent prosecution’s seizure and search of the homes and offices of the reporters of
(3)VOA, in response, expressed a critical view, saying that many believe the prosecution’s search and seizure is inappropriate, especially in that the prosecution later raided other media outlets that reported the same information
(4)Meanwhile, the article belongs to PRESS FREEDOM among 15 sections classified and reported separately by VOA


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