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Emergency Statement of the Korean Children’s Hospital Association


Emergency Statement of the Korean Children's Hospital Association

image text translation

Emergency Statement of the Korean Children's Hospital Association

image text translation

(1)It’s not a trend yet, but there’s a concern about the spread of the disease
(2)”If you look at recent media reports
(3)Mycoplasma of health authorities
(4)I can’t find any countermeasures at all. I’m going to do personal hygiene at public health centers
(5)”Only articles that ask for you”
(6)”Why on earth does the government exist
(7)I don’t know why it exists
(8)Korean Children’s Hospital Association

Emergency Statement of the Korean Children's Hospital Association

image text translation

(1)Children’s hospitals should be included in the pediatric infection sample monitoring medical institution
(2)a trend especially among children
(3)Cold symptoms last for three to four weeks

Emergency Statement of the Korean Children's Hospital Association

image text translation

(1)Some of them are serious, so early treatment is important

Mycoplasma pneumonia


It’s popular in Korean

India and Taiwan seem to be taking measures

The Korean government only has articles about taking good care of hygiene, but it responds slowly

That’s what the association said

I heard that there’s medicine for that disease unlike COVID-19

I have to be careful because it’s fatal to a child

If it spreads to Korea, where there is also a shortage of pediatrics, something bigger will happen

Will the association make a statement like that if it’s frustrating

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