the torture of the U.S. soldiers of the Korean War

the torture of the U.S. soldiers of the Korean War

image text translation

(1)If you put your fingers together like this, your elbows will touch
(2)If my feet pout while I’m sleeping
(3)I beat him with a club
(4)So I had to curl up and sleep like this
(5)The only time I could get out of the box was when I went to the business room a day or two
(6)I gave them two cans to eat with water and rice, but I had to use them when I was in a hurry
(7)I had to go to the toilet and spray it around the box
(8)The smell was bad and always infested with maggots
(9)I hung it with a rope on the ceiling and hit it
(10)The more I screamed, the more excited I was
(11)If you don’t scream, the beating gets worse
(12)In my mouth
(13)I even put a knife in there
(14)The inside of my throat was cut off
(15)And then you hit me again
(16)I hung myself with a rope and kicked the wall
(17)The wall collapsed
(18)I fell and hit my head on a nail
(19)My clothes are broken, too
(20)Frank Fellow
(21)I’ve been to Korea 48 times since the Korean War
(22)Because I love Korea
(23)Love for Korea and Koreans
(24)It’s right here deep in my heart
(25)I can’t put it into words
(26)I can only feel it

the torture of the U.S. soldiers of the Korean War

image text translation

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