Kim Gu-ra’s remarks during his broadcast

Kim Gu-ra's remarks during his broadcast

image text translation

(1)I’m lying. Sleeping in a place outside my house where I can’t hide the wind. I’m homeless
(2)Lie 1
(3)Bulil > Bongal
(4)a word in which a person pretends to be true in order to deceive a person
(5)He’s got a scent. He’s got biological physiology. He’s got two eggs that produce sperm from the genitals of male or animal males
(6)1. When I read articles about “Big 100 Million Star,”
(7)What are you talking about, Son Taeyoung? He’s the owner of his agency
(8)It’s not an article that says it was too much
(9)2 When I read the article about the woman who was sexually assaulted
(10)It’s impossible to rape a man and a woman with 11 You can’t take it out if a woman squeezes a piece of paper. What does this mean
(11)If it’s not under agreement, 11 sexual assault in the first place is not possible
(12)I’m good at it
(13)Isiah Shake 49
(14)in her bold appearance
(15)I’m getting more sorry
(16)3 During Harisu’s talk, ask a question to fellow celebrity Gal
(17)Would you rather be mad about Harisu’s artificial intelligence or be mad about Park Kyung-rim
(18)Appointment as a park
(19)Lee Hyori is a big person
(20)a historical moment
(21)4 After seeing Lee Hyori’s glamour article
(22)When Hyori gets older, she’s going to get an interview. When I gain weight, I go to milk. Thank God It doesn’t make sense that I’ve always had a big heart. I’ve never worn a sleeveless tight T-shirt when I was a member of Fin.K.L’s first album, second album, and a million photos if I was that big
(23)But now that it’s gotten bigger, it’s surgery
(24)If you look at the medical report, it comes out right away. If you touch it, it comes out right away. Someone touch it. Kang Ho-dong, touch it
(25)If it explodes under pressure, it’s fake. If it doesn’t, it’s real. If it explodes like someone else, it’s a problem
(26)Hyori, a well-known male entertainer, lay Hyori down. If it’s down, it’s natural, and if it’s rough, it’s made
(27)If you touch it, it’s wrong. This silicone is not salt water. It’s sucking the nipple
(28)The noodles taste a bit salty
(29)I’m sorry
(30)5 I read the article about the death of the nuptials
(31)I won’t have sex before marriage In this day and age
(32)I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m 23 or 4 years old
(33)I don’t have any experience of sex. I think it’s not merit
(34)It’s obvious that you have someone you like
(35)I’m going to make sure that I’m going to get married on a couple of days
(36)Of course, it’s a problem to give all the little girls and the little girls
(37)It’s there
(38)I think it’s got a splitI’m sure they’ll give me the last one
(39)That’s what I’m saying
(40)It’s drawing

Kim Gu-ra's remarks during his broadcast

image text translation

(1)<(2)Go;; Who are the celebrities who are faithful to this law of trash that goes crazy and pretends to be elegant and ends up taking off their clothes after such a pot gets caught in an X-like incident Shin Eun-kyung had to peel red with a spear, and Sung Hyun-ah was from Miss Korea and had been self-reflecting and peeled it in a coma, but the reaction was like X, so Hwang Soo-jung was under pressure. You’re Lee X, you’re a married man, and rice cake, so you’re X, too!!!!!!! First of all, Seonghyeon has a small red container >>
(3)About Moon Hee-joon winning the Rocker Award on SBS;; You must call Moon Hee-joon first for the cannabis drug test Is there such a ridiculous broadcast? This X-babies are rock singers. This X-babies think about it every day, and this X-babies get the Rock Singer Award and this Moon Hee-jun, this X-babies
(8)<(9)I’m sure it’ll be worth it when it’s too cold. I told the boss to wash it, so wouldn’t it be worth it after washing it? >>


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