I invited a guest from the MZ girl group and put him down because of Lee Sieon. What I’ve been up to lately

I invited a guest from the MZ girl group and put him down because of Lee Sieon. What I've been up to lately

image text translation

(1)Life 84 Walking Tour in Gangneung
(2)You might not want to see it, but it comes out often anyway
(3)Life 84 Strong Wind Walking Trip
(4)YeSian’s YouTube channel is pretty much ruined
(5)I thought it would be better to come out on my channel and get paid for it
(6)I’ll try to invite you more often
(7)Life 84 Walking Tour in Gangneung
(8)Yes, the Jinusean of YouTube
(9)Even so.
(10)If only the guys come out, it’s too dark
(11)Two MZ fairies are here
(12)Life 84 Walking Tour in Gangneung
(13)Theme Gwanggil 38-37 Course 1
(14)Gangneung Mental Health with a Healthy Mind
(15)24-hour mental health crisis counseling 157
(16)220 years old
(17)City Mental Health and Welfare Center
(18)1 hour Camp Line 1336 Gangwon Gambling
(19)Hello, we’re Weekly
(20)Yes, there’s only one leg
(21)Oh, you are so cute
(22)Oh, there are two
(23)Life 84 Trip to Gangdong-gu
(24)There’s actually something I want to do. Do you know what it is
(25)Lee Sieon, 曰 Gian, let’s try that next time
(26)An 84-day plan
(27)Metal Detector Only
(28)I’ve been doing this for 830 minutes
(29)I don’t know why. I don’t know. 84
(30)I’m walking alone, giving up everything in my 曰
(31)84 days away from MZs that are getting farther from the starting point
(32)Life 84 Walking Tour in Gangneung
(33)a walking tour of Gangneung
(34)An 84-day period
(35)Students who don’t listen
(36)I feel like I’ve become a homeroom teacher who leads Gian84 days
(37)曰 Lee Sieon said we’re going to smoke
(38)Lee Sieon, you
(39)10 draft 84
(40)Weakley friends who are giving their albums as gifts
(41)Life 84 Walking Tour in Gangneung
(42)I dropped it on the floor as soon as I got the album
(43)No, I was looking at this picture
(44)Oh, but where is it
(45)Well, four of them weren’t close to each other until the end

I invited a guest from the MZ girl group and put him down because of Lee Sieon. What I've been up to lately

image text translation

(1)Life 84 Walking Tour in Gangneung
(2)Why are you walking so far away

I invited a guest from the MZ girl group and put him down because of Lee Sieon. What I've been up to lately

image text translation

(1)a walking tour of Gangneung

I invited a guest from the MZ girl group and put him down because of Lee Sieon. What I've been up to lately

image text translation

(1)Life 84 Walking Tour in Gangneung
(2)We walked separately

I invited a guest from the MZ girl group and put him down because of Lee Sieon. What I've been up to lately

image text translation

(1)Life 84 Walking Tour in Gangneung
(2)I’m going to eat
(3)-627 hearts
(4)Since we’re all walking together
(5)the world’s most beautiful country

I invited a guest from the MZ girl group and put him down because of Lee Sieon. What I've been up to lately

image text translation

(1)Life 84 Walking Tour in Gangneung. Breakfast
(2)We don’t talk because we all walk together!

According to Gian, I brought Lee Si-eon because I wasn’t confident to host it alone in front of my young friends, but he just gave up because of that

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