image text translation
(1)Choose one of the numbers from 1 to 10
(2)Multiply the number you choose by nine
(3)If it’s a double digit number, add it to each otherTake 5 out of that sum
(4)Remember the number of English alphabets
(5)Write down the country that starts with that alphabet
For example, 1=A2=B3=C
image text translation
(1)Write down the animal that starts with the second letter
(2)Please write down the color of the animal
(1)Did you think of a Danish gray elephantimage text translation
The secret of this trick is
image text translation
(1)Number of starts = X1 <= x<=10
(2)9x=10aba and b can be integers ~ a=x-1 9x=10x-1
(3)The country that always starts with 9-5=4 -> d is the only country that will leave Denmark. Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, and the Dominican Republic are the only ones in the world. Germany has a German name, and an animal that starts with an e has a 99 chance of an elephant rising, but an eagle is likely to come to mind