the life of a cow that we didn’t know well

the life of a cow that we didn't know well

image text translation

(1)When a cow is born and is 1 year and 12 months old
(2)You force a cow to get pregnant
(3)You too
(4)It’s time to get pregnant
(5)Put your arms in the cow’s anus
(6)After fixing the uterine landscape in it

the life of a cow that we didn't know well

image text translation

(1)It injects semen into the long tube to artificially fertilize it
(2)That’s how pregnant cows are, like, lighting, feed, temperature, etc
(3)It’s under control
(4)It’s to maximize the milk output
(5)We spent 305 days in cows
(6)I squeeze 40kg of milk every day

the life of a cow that we didn't know well

image text translation

(1)After 10 months of pregnancy, if you give birth to a calf
(2)Let the calf drink colostrum for about three days
(3)I’m breaking up with you
(5)The milk that the calf needs to drink
(6)It’s for people to drink
(7)A cow is an animal with a big bond between a mother and a baby
(8)The mother cow, whose baby was taken away, gets stressed and cries for a few days

the life of a cow that we didn't know well

image text translation

(1)Within a month or two of giving birth, the heifers
(2)I’m getting pregnant again
(3)The milking starts
(4)I have a second calf in me
(5)I’m going to make sure that we’re able to get pregnant and breastfeeding
(6)Repeat 3 times for 3 years on average
(7)That’s how the cows are consumed
(8)I’m so tired that my legs are tiredCows with reduced milking are taken to slaughterhouses to become processed meat ingredients
(9)Considering that cows have a natural life expectancy of 15 to 20 years, they end their lives at a very young age


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