“I’m skipping women’s schools,” begins a fact-finding survey on blind posts by employees of financial companies

"I'm skipping women's schools," begins a fact-finding survey on blind posts by employees of financial companies

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(1)”I’m skipping women’s schools” Financial Services Employees Blvd
(2)Employment Department in the LinkedIn article “Starting a survey on the actual situation”
(3)Input 20231129 PM 651 Articles

"I'm skipping women's schools," begins a fact-finding survey on blind posts by employees of financial companies

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(1)Bla bla bla. 23 minutes. Follow me
(2)I think women are losing more because of Femi
(3)First of all, our department
(4)When my resume comes up, I filter out all the female colleges

"I'm skipping women's schools," begins a fact-finding survey on blind posts by employees of financial companies

image text translation

(1)Netizens who saw A’s post said that this financial company is hiring
(2)I reported to the Ministry of Employment and Labor that I was discriminating against women. According to the Ministry of Employment, about 2,800 reports were received at the anonymous reporting center, saying, “There is a practice of disadvantaging employment for job seekers from female colleges in certain companies for four days from the 26th to the day.” Most of the reports are about a third party, not a party, asking them to check whether the contents of this blind post are true
(3)The Ministry of Employment plans to immediately launch a fact-finding survey on the financial company in accordance with the “Procedure for handling anonymous reporting cases.” Under the Act on Equal Employment of Men and Women and Support for Work-Family Balance, employers should not discriminate between men and women when hiring workers, and violations can result in fines of up to 5 million won

He’s going to investigate Blah’s anonymous post


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