image text translation
(1)I was going to do it until the end of December this year as promised
(1)People around me told me why I quitimage text translation
(1)image text translation
(2)Originally, I was going to quit when a child went to kindergarten, but I heard that I moved it up because it was difficult
(3)1 Child starts to be conscious of the camera
(4)2. I feel like I’m going to work even if I go on a trip, so I’m stressed from the previous day
(5)Not pleasant to receive
(6)3 Exposed radius of life
(7)4 Rather than making eye contact with a child and talking to the baby in the camera, I get hit with reality
(8)5 Other chronic malicious comments
(9)I can upload it if there’s a big event, but I’m not sure about that either