image text translation
(1)I know Alberto, who had an abnormal meeting. Albe YouTube is fun
(2)I threw it but everyone didn’t know, so I thought of a screenshot to watch it together
(3)The coffee is mondi
(4)Question time using intermission
(5)Today, among the franchises in Korea
(6)What’s the best coffee place today
(7)Next to me is the chef from Italy
(8)Biagio. There’s only one place I want to be honest. It’s a coffee bean
(9)MON Espresso episode
(10)Biagio other franchises aren’t that high-quality
(11)Biagio I mean only about espresso
(12)>Espresso only
(14)Because I don’t drink espresso a lot in Korea
(15)Most franchises don’t focus on espresso
(17)I focus on other coffee menus
(18)So what the chef is saying is
(19)Come on, D.P
(20)The other menus are so good
(21)I think coffee bean is the best for espresso
(23)Espresso is the best
(25)Albe’s choice is
(1)Albe is Pascucciimage text translation
(2)I like to drink coffee with mondi espresso
(3)The reason is that a long time ago
(4)Espresso episode
(5)I modeled for Pascucci
(7)The coffee is mondi
(8)The thing that I don’t like the most is Biagio
(9)I have to wait to drink a cup of Biagio espresso
(10)What we hate the most is
(11)Espresso has to come out in a second
(12)I hate waiting for an espresso
(13)It comes out in the video, but in Italy, they stand in a bar, drink coffee quickly, and leave right away! I used to work on making albedo coffee, but I have to hurry up and get coffee
(14)I don’t like waiting for the vibrating bell
(15)The episode was fun. Albe YouTube Coffee Bean Pascucci’s back ad. There are also 312 episodes! If you’re interested in coffee, go watch it
(16)If you have a problem, drink only hot coffee for the rest of your life