Nexon employee who is watching feminist protests at work

Nexon employee who is watching feminist protests at work

image text translation

(1)Bla bla bla bla 6 minutes
(2)The status of Nexon’s office building
(3)You can’t see wild boars
(4)I can see some of them who look feminine
(5)There are more journalists and police

Nexon employee who is watching feminist protests at work

image text translation

(1)I just played a game
(2)Parking Cloud
(3)Illegal demonstration in front of Nexon’s headquarters
(4)I heard they had a press conference and ran in 5 minutes
(5)I don’t know because it’s not near Nexon’s office building
(6)I got it wrong Oh, it wasn’t a protest. They finished the press conference in five minutes and disappeared. This is a comedy. Translate post


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