My dad’s a doctor. He’s poor

My dad's a doctor. He's poor

image text translation

(1)It was opened a long time ago, but it went bad once, and now it’s like 1,000,000 won
(2)He’s sour, but he’s never interested in investing in technology
(3)When coins were popular, you said coins are a scam
(4)The reason why he doesn’t do coins and stocks is because he’s pretending to be in front of us, and the people who are doing it now will sparkle and all of them will lose money later
(5)He cursed that easy-earned money disappears easily
(6)Many of his friends have made tens of billions of dollars from coins, and when the trend is over, he puts thousands of coins in them and tries to blow them all away
(7)Everything you touch is ruined, and you’re in debt
(8)You’ve been a doctor for decades, but we still don’t have a house and rent a house
(9)I lived in Daechi-dong for 4 years in a row because of my brother’s education
(10)While I’m renting a house, it’s a house, it’s a stock, it’s
(11)It went through the roof
(12)My house was tied to a lease, so I couldn’t invest anything
(13)Eventually, the house price went up so high that I couldn’t even afford a lease
(14)Now I’m moving to a small plain in Jamsil
(15)Even if you die because of the people, you have to live in the Gangnam area
(16)Usually, when my dad is busy making money, mothers who play at home do financial techniques
(17)It’s getting rich
(18)My mom doesn’t know anything about finance and economy
(19)My mom always goes shopping with my dad’s money
(20)She talked about her friends’ husbands in the evening
(21)My hobby is to compare with my dad
(22)Of course, I’m not comparing you in a serious atmosphere
(23)My mom says it’s a joke and she’s very cheerful

My dad's a doctor. He's poor

image text translation

(1)I know he’s got a money-related complex
(2)He keeps putting mental pressure on his dad like that
(3)Of course, I know that poor people like those who come out in high school will get cursed at if they see my writing
(4)I’m thankful to my dad for allowing me to live this much
(5)I studied, made money, couldn’t rest on holidays, and worked so hard that I went to study
(6)I’m angry that the results aren’t good enough for my hard work
(7)When I look at my dad’s legs, I can’t sit and work all day, so I get blood vessels in my calves and I’m struggling with my feetLike old men, calluses are cracking
(8)My dad’s lifelong goal was to be rich
(9)I work with that goal for the rest of my life
(10)You can never make that dream come true
(11)Because of the money, my mom and dad always sit in the living room and cry together
(12)I’m sick of it every time I see it
(13)But people like apartment security, janitor, delivery man, etc
(14)I’m a low-class person, but I think I’m a good person
(15)growing hateful
(16)To the point where I say the word “low class” in voice
(17)I don’t know what the problem is and I think it’s okay
(18)He seems to think that he is different from ordinary people because he studied well and did a lot
(19)Pity and hatred for my father
(20)Bepple, 20231120223
(21)She said it must be hard, but when she ignored me as a low-income job like a cleaner, she disappeared
(22)Bepple, 202311210235
(23)Oh, I think I know exactly what your dad’s style is. I’ve been studying all my life, so I don’t know the world, but I’m only over-conscious of my reward psychologist for my hard work and have too high a target for my ability. There are many such types of professional men
(24)Bepple, 202311202239
(25)Studying and making money are definitely different
(26)Bepple yes 20231121201323
(27)But I think you’re very smart in your writing. It’s simple and you just point it out
(28)It feels like you’re talking so well
(29)Bepple, 202311202220
(30)Tsuni, you should at least study jae-tack
(31)The pros and cons battle of 202311210738 Full view >
(32)I think it’s a lot of money, but it’s not a lot of money, but prices have risen
(33)I feel sorry for my parents for posting this because I raised and educated them to raise them
(34)The comments are 453


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