image text translation
(1)Good. 208
(2)Microdot Official 2 PRAYER will be released on September 25th at noon at 12PM In this album, “PRAYER” is a story that I wanted to tell you during the past two years Especially, I’d like to sing “Responsibilities” first It was a careful and worried process, but I took courageI hope you can express your thoughts and concerns
(3)I hope you can get closer to me #PRAYER
(4)The microdot account has been hacked for months now
(5)#microdot #microdot
(1)Wikitree – Wikitreeimage text translation
(2)February 7th, 700-3 PM
(3)On the contrary, I think I have become socially aware of my obligations and responsibilities to the country
(4)Because of you, Seungjun, I’m responsible for the military service
(5)Get More Alarmed about