You’re so mean to start in England

You're so mean to start in England

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(1)Moon Ji-wen ia7h6eGzFoshms015:00
(2)It’s too much to start in the UK. Even so, it’s President Salman’s wife on a state visit. Why are you excluding false history? My mother and brother were arrested for forgery. I was so eager to see my daughter plagiarize her thesis in the fake family that I went to let the British Empire know about K-type surgery even before it broke
(3)It’s the same thing
(4) 0926kgj·16:00
(5)a media company with a position as big as the Dong-A Ilbo in the United Kingdom
(6)The Daily Mail published an article about Mrs. Kim Gun-hee
(7)The title is Korea’s controversial first lady tax evasion paper

You're so mean to start in England

image text translation

You’re gonna have to be raided by one of these guys

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