An angry text from a neglected hunting man

An angry text from a neglected hunting man

image text translation

(1)Does your face matter that much
(2)I’ll read someone’s message after looking at his face
(3)He doesn’t read. He’s quick to answer to handsome people
(4)If you’re going to meet him in such a hurry, go to a club or a hunting bar and play in San Mai LOL
(5)I’m always learning how to say in the group chat room. I got 12 numbers for 2 hours yesterday
(6)Of course, there’s a girl like you, but if you’re going to be like this, don’t give me your number (Laughing)
(7)The goal looks empty lol
(8)I can see exactly what your parents are like
(9)I think handsome men will meet your side dishes. Never the main level
(10)City on 2023 Catastrophe List
(11)I wish I had one
(12)I’m sorry that you weren’t in Itaewon that day
(13)I’m going to block you. I hope you have a great year in 2023
(14)a text message
(15)At the time I got the number
(16)How much I loved this woman
(17)If you pour out this much anger
(18)I would’ve loved you to the point of tears
(19)If you didn’t give me your number, I’d have followed you home


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