The writer who suffered because of her boyfriend’s girlfriend is in shock

The writer who suffered because of her boyfriend's girlfriend is in shock

image text translation

The writer who suffered because of her boyfriend's girlfriend is in shock

image text translation

(1)a girlfriend like a boyfriend’s keychain, her shocking past
(2)This Tuesday at 8:30 p.m
(3)From my boyfriend’s friend
(4)Since I was in high school
(5)I liked my boyfriend!!!
(6)I even confessed to him once
(7)This Tuesday at 8:30 p.m
(8)Even if you get kicked!
(9)This Tuesday at 8:30 p.m
(10)Break up now!
(11)a troubled girl
(12)a girlfriend like a keychain to her boyfriend
(13)This Tuesday at 8:30 p.m
(14)a nineteenth-grade telecommunication
(15)My boyfriend who tore it up in front of you

The writer who suffered because of her boyfriend's girlfriend is in shock

image text translation

There are so many shameless people

I can see the future of his girlfriend

I think they’ve met each other well

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