Don’t eat this jelly in Japan a problem jelly that caused paralysis

Don't eat this jelly in Japan a problem jelly that caused paralysis

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(1)Don’t eat this jelly in Japan of a problem that caused paralysis
(2)Input 20231117 1223 AM Article Statement
(3)Reporter Jang Jimin
(4)one family
(5)A series of complaints of abnormalities in the body after eating so-called hemp jelly
(7)It can cause paralysis such as hands and feet

In Japan, there have been a series of cases of eating so-called hemp jelly and complaining of abnormalities in the body. A substance similar to the psychotropic ingredient in hemp was found in the jelly, which is currently not included in Japan’s regulatory list, raising controversy

According to local media such as TBS Fuji News Network FNN on the 16th, two men and women in their 20s were reported to have felt paralysis or nausea in their hands after eating one jelly each while drinking in Itabashi-gu, Tokyo, at around 11:30 p.m. the previous day

Five people in their teens and 50s who ate jelly handed out by a man at a festival held at Musashino Park in Kaganei, Tokyo, on the 4th complained that they were not feeling well and were taken to a hospital. The man who handed out the jelly appeared to be in his 40s, and the festival venue reportedly handed over the jelly in the package one by one



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