I can barely see one eye, but if it’s level 4…txt

I can barely see one eye, but if it's level 4...txt

image text translation

(1)It reminds me of a story about how I got level 4 from Military Manpower Administration
(2)The frog that doesn’t listen to G ⓒ 20221114
(3)It’s a mess that’s out of the public interest
(4)When I was a toddler, I had cataracts and I was living with artificial lenses inserted
(5)Even if your eyesight is weak, you can recover your optic nerve by continuing to use the weak eye
(6)Because he was too young to use only one eye, the optic nerve turned around
(7)Of course, the eyes that I don’t use are still alive, so I’ve lived as an outsider for more than 20 years
(8)My eyesight is only color discrimination. I can’t distinguish the shape because it’s blurry. I can’t read any letters
(9)It’s very weak in the sun and it’s very weak against foreign substances. It’s weak in the eyelids. Anyway
(10)I went to the MMA for a new examination at the end of 2013
(11)At that time, I thought I would be exempted from what confidence I had, so I teased my friends and got tested
(12)Level 4 is also a public interest, but I didn’t expect to send a blind person to the public in the first place
(13)Then he told me to prove that my eyesight was low, so I decided to supplement the documents and get a retest
(14)I was going to a precision vision test to get the documents, but I went to a university hospital where I had surgery when I was young
(15)The doctor asked me what I was getting tested for, and I said I was going to submit it to the Military Manpower Administration
(16)The doctor told me to get a re-examination for my eyes, but the doctor said that the exemption would be confirmed, so I did the examination with anticipation
(17)Six hours of waiting, two hours of testing, almost dead during the testing
(18)They told me to chase the mole with my invisible eyes, but I can’t see it and the light is bright, so I’m crying, but if I blink, I have to do it again. Anyway, my vision came out to 0018. In addition to that, I took the MMA with my childhood surgical history
(19)They say that the 4th grade is enough to go public with their eyes, so it doesn’t interfere with their daily lives
(20)Objection box If you object, several doctors come down and sit on a round table and talk
(21)ㅂF. How many times did I go back and forth to Dongdaegu because of this? Anyway, the most “I” is from now on
(22)There are about six doctors, including a stricken ophthalmologist
(23)Place it in front of you and all sit in front of you
(24)And then I asked my mom and me a question
(25)1 Why didn’t you get braces after the surgery
(26)I was too young to get braces because I asked a fine eye without being able to speak
(27)There were so many cases where I got hurt when I covered it
(28)I said that, so I thought it would be okay to take good care of it at home. So I said it was difficult because I was working together
(29)2 If your eyes are uncomfortable, shouldn’t you have been to the hospital constantly
(30)After going to school steadily, the doctor said that there would be no improvement anymore, and as I started going to school, my studies were disrupted, such as the time and cost of the test
(31)I don’t have any hospital records since I was a middle school student, so I think it’s not that uncomfortable
(32)If you’re that uncomfortable, you’ll have to get your glasses fitted
(33)They say you don’t seem willing to get better
(34)I couldn’t believe it
(35)Even if I wear glasses worth several hundred thousand won, nothing gets better
(36)4 These days, it’s a lucky case to go to the public interest due to vision impairment
(37)I think it’s simple understatement, but this is a lot of consideration
(38)I did it for you We can’t judge other than level 4 He said like this
(39)Anyway, it took me a year to get a fourth grade
(40)I’ve been disabled since I was young, but I’m glad I didn’t join the military
(41)~ I lived like this, but I won the public interest
(42)Anyway, I had fun meeting good people in the public interest
(43)It was amazing that the work wasn’t the problem, but that people with disabilities were being dragged like this
(44)If you look at it roughly, it feels like you’re opening your eyes in milk, it’s blurry, the color is weird, and it’s almost like security
(45)That’s what I see
(46)If there’s an object that’s moving next to you, you’ll notice it
(47)Anyway, I have to go back and get an operation. 3 million won
(48)What shocked me the most when I went to Daegu Shin-Gum was
(49)I came here to get a grade 1 for someone who didn’t have a toe LOL
(51)76 with 3 lipsticks

No, please. Just give these people an exemption

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