It’s crazy as a group of Giregi

It's crazy as a group of Giregi

image text translation

(1)The media exists for the citizens….Propagation of the Charter of Journalism Ethics
(2)It contains core principles such as reflection, truth, and press responsibility in the era of change, such as respect for human rights
(3)Need action plan to bring about field change
(4)If there is no inspection and evaluation system, it is just a declaration
(5)Journalism Ethics Charter
(6)The Korea Press Association and the Korea Internet Newspaper Association held a proclamation ceremony for the Journalism Ethics Charter at the Korea Press Center on the 19th under the supervision and sponsorship of the Korea Press Promotion Foundation The Code of Ethics contains nine key principles that all journalists must adhere to
(7)The Korea Journalists’ Association and the Korea Internet Newspaper Association announced on the 19th that the journalism ethics charter, which contains key principles that all journalists should practice, is the ethics charter
(8)The two organizations, sponsored by the Korea Press Foundation, have been working on the ethics charter since September last year 13 people, including Bae Jeong-geun, chairman of the media department at Sookmyung Women’s University, and incumbent journalists, journalists, and journalists, organizations, participated in the enactment committee
(9)The committee unveiled at the proclamation ceremony the “Ethics Charter,” which was completed after dozens of meetings and discussions over the past four months. The text of the ethics charter emphasized basic principles of journalism such as truth, pursuit of truth, fair reporting, and mainly dealt with media responsibility, human rights respect, and digital technology acceptance, reflecting the changing times

The media exists for the power of the people

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