the minimum amount of semen to conceive

the minimum amount of semen to conceive

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WHO standard semen test normal value

The results of the semen test are determined against the threshold set by the WHO in 2010 as set forth in this standard

A figure in the bottom 5 is the minimum number of persons eligible for pregnancy

The most important thing in a semen test is the number and mobility of sperm One cc of semen sperm must be at least 15 million and 40 or more must be actively moving to become pregnant It’s because if you have a large number of sperm and are highly mobile, you are more likely to meet eggs and get pregnant However, even if the semen test results are not good, you can get good results if you find the cause through a test and receive treatment, and you can conceive through various infertility procedures

Generally, 15cc to 6cc teaspoons can get you pregnant if your semen meets the amount of 1 to 3 teaspoons

the minimum amount of semen to conceive
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