image text translation
(1)The most I’ve ever met
(2)Those who are unhappy
(3)a successful scholar
(1)ambitious lazyimage text translation
(2)It’s people
(3)Success am Sponge
(1)I think it’s really bigimage text translation
(2)I don’t try
(3)So I have ambitions
(4)He’s lazy
(5)What kind of energy is produced
(1)Envy!image text translation
(1)If I get jealousimage text translation
(2)You become a terrible spouse
(3)and become a terrible friend
(4)Everything gets terrible
(5)So if I have any ambitions
(1)I can’t believe I’m tryingimage text translation
(2)I need to know
(3)a telephone conversation
(1)If you don’t have ambitionsimage text translation
(2)It could be a life where you earn 4,000 won a year
(3)If it’s totally okay
(4)Don’t compare yourself to others
(1)What kind of person you areimage text translation
(2)Be faithful to what you want