customs that have disappeared in Japan

customs that have disappeared in Japan

image text translation

(1)There was a strange custom in Japan from around World War II until the mid-1980s
(2)It means the face of the Kimyo-Nakamen 奇妙, or the face of the Kimyo-Nakao 奇妙顔, the custom that Gao is correct
(3)The custom itself can be summarized simply Putting bizarre-looking masks on preschoolers before entering elementary schools
(4)The nationwide trend began in the mid-to-late 1940s after Japan’s defeat
(5)Although it varies slightly from region to region, it was usually held together during the Autumnal Equinox Day festival on September 23
(6)It is also characterized by each village unit before modernization
(7)Now, urbanization has progressed a lot, but Japan still has regional colors in each village
(8)The masks were clearly different in each village, and locals were able to distinguish the villages just by looking at the masks
(9)There were a lot of weird-looking masks that created a sense of fear
(10)Shintaro Kiyomiya, a renowned folklorist at Tohoku University in Japan, offers the following theory on the culture of Kimyo-Nakamen
(11)1 Wishing to Fight Goblins Like Japan, where there are many stories about goblins, children wear scary-looking masks to prevent goblins from approaching
(12)2 Infants’ death suppression Usually, it is easy for infectious diseases to spread due to large crowds at festivals, but it is to minimize contact with the face and pollutants by wearing masks There are also studies showing that children were cleaned during this period to secure rudimentary but meaningful hygiene
(13)3 Western Culture Halloween Halloween’s Japanese Interpretation Halloween culture was spread to Japan by U.S. soldiers stationed in Japan
(14)4 Explosion of Emancipation It provided an opportunity to periodically release feelings of emancipation to children with low social status
(15)Other than that, it’s a closed village style that doesn’t want outsiders
(16)Only to unite the village members according to the historical background of many civil wars
(17)the theory that it was heard
(18)A variety of theories, including the expression of resistance to the U.S. military through children, have led to John’s death
(19)However, Halloween culture in the United States appeared in the wake of the defeat in Japan in a timely manner
(20)dispatched to Japan
(21)It is widely believed that it is reinterpreted for each region
(22)This kind of Kimyo-na-kamen culture has disappeared since the 1980s and is rarely found these days
(23)The theory that the mask itself disappeared naturally because it disgusted people
(24)Second, the theory that the economic structure of the village unit collapsed and was dismantled due to urbanization
(25)There is a theory that the infant mortality rate has decreased due to the spread of medicine in the modern age
(26)In the later years, making colorful masks is recognized as a measure of wealth
(27)There is a theory that the culture was changed and disappeared voluntarily
(28)Of course, all of the above reasons are valid, and the probability that they worked in combination is
(29)He’s now a president, and it’s just that he doesn’t like it
(30)It deserves to be called a mirror-like culture that reflected an era
(31)It’s a phrase that creates images with AI, and the contents at the bottom are just written by me
(32)I was reading it seriously and I was so obsessed with it that I came


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