image text translation
(1)when a woman has a crush on her
(2)Don’t avoid eye contact for more than 3 seconds
(3)● Put your hair behind your ears to show your ears and neck
(4)Accessories, necklaces, ring bracelets
(5)tend to touch
(6)● My belly is facing me
(7)The center of my body is skewed to me
(8)● While talking, put your thighs and shoulders naturally
(9)tap it like this time to time
(10)● Touch your earlobes and let me see the inside of your wrist
(11)when a woman is not likeable
(12)I don’t look at you very much
(13)● lean one’s back behind the chair with one’s arms crossed
(14)● When I cross my legs, my toes are facing the door
(15)use one’s cell phone in one’s spare time
(16)keep one’s lips tight for a long time