A female feminist who started skipping as a spouse

A female feminist who started skipping as a spouse

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(1)Subscribe to Financial News
(2)Femi 女 and MAMA BOY. I fold it as soon as I see themDolsing’s pick
(3)the worst reason
(4)Input 20231113 AM 949 Articles
(5)Reporter Lim Woo-seop
(6)one street


A survey was conducted on men and women who want to remarry

First of all, if you meet a person who has a tendency to remarry

When asked if I would close my mind right away

Forty-two women are mama boys

Male 357 said she was a feminist

Each of these answers ranked first by gender

Women are

△Mama Boy 420

△ Fatherly 368

△Narcissist narcissist 16

△Feminist 52

in the case of men

△ Feminist



Women’s Luncheon and vanity 294

△Mama Girl 205

△Narcissist 144 was counted in order


A man or a woman

Those who have experienced it, lol

Even women skip Nampemi as the number one priority lol

I think it’s because there are a lot of sweet diabetes related to cheating among Nampemi

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