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(1)Block the source of re-use with one stab
(1)Development of non-reusable needlesimage text translation
(1)Development of non-reusable needlesimage text translation
(1)Development of non-reusable needlesimage text translation
(2)8 If you insert it into the body, it changes smoothly by body temperature
(1)Development of non-reusable needlesimage text translation
(2)Professor Jeong Jaewoong’s team at KAIST
(3)Making needles using gallium, a liquid metal
(1)Development of non-reusable needlesimage text translation
(2)8 The level of inflammation is lower than that of metal and plastic in animal experiments
(1)Development of non-reusable needlesimage text translation
(2)Because it changes smoothly by body temperature in the blood vessels, biological tissue damage and
(3)Not only can it prevent inflammation
(4)Also, there’s a needle stab accident or unethical
(5)Needle Reuseability
(6)to block out the source
(7)That’s the advantage
(8)Chung Jae-woong, professor of electrical and electronic engineering at KAIST
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(1)I used gallium, but the melting point of gallium is about 30 degrees, so it melts by body temperatureimage text translation
(2)Nevertheless, I think mass commercialization of that needle is very common
(3)look at with a will
(4)It’s going to be a very expensive special-purpose needle
(5)It’s an expensive metal that costs about 35,000 won for 20 grams of gallium
(6)The price of a needle that we usually use is about 5 won
(7)It’s going to be a very expensive needle
(8)Of course, if the demand for gallium increases, the price will skyrocket