image text translation
(1)Remember, cut sweet potatoes and put them in an air fryer for 180 degrees and 20 minutes
(2)It looks like Mundi wood, but it’s very moist on the outside
(1)Put the sweet potato air fryer in 180 degrees for 20 minutes!image text translation
(2)I saw it at Tamna and it was good
(1)The sweet potato in the air fryer is crazy. It’s so good I’m crying. 180 degrees. 20 minutes of happinessimage text translation
(1)Air fryer sweet potatoimage text translation
(2)180 degrees and 20 minutes
(3)This recipe is real
(1)Put some sweet potato butter, sprinkle sugar, and air fryer 180 degrees for 20 minutesimage text translation
(1)Sweet potato slices, air fryer. 180 degrees, 20 minutes of evidenceimage text translation
(2)I’m telling you, it’s real
(3)It tastes best when it looks like a piece of birch