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The symptoms of cancer that Heo Cham, the national MC, suffered


The symptoms of cancer that Heo Cham, the national MC, suffered

image text translation

The symptoms of cancer that Heo Cham, the national MC, suffered

image text translation

(1)Kanghwa’s charming story is that she’s the original MC. Huh Charm
(2)weight loss and frequent nosebleeds
(3)a feeling of health problems
(4)In the case where disaster warnings and quarantine guidelines such as disinfection are not repeatedly followed, ▲ effectively blocking the spread of other COVID-19 infections
(5)The original MC. Huh Charm
(6)The reason why I sobbed after being diagnosed with a healthy colon polyp is
(7)Hospital examination finds colon polyp
(8)It’s a disaster warning This mobile phone safety newspaper app is located on the Play Store or App Store I hope you participate a lot
(9)The reason why I sobbed after being diagnosed with colon polyps is
(10)The adenoma polyp is getting too big
(11)The phase that was on the verge of invading the liver

The symptoms of cancer that Heo Cham, the national MC, suffered

image text translation

(1)Year 2012
(2)I was on a diet for my health
(3)A group of people who were drinking with me
(4)”Why are you so skinny in advance?”
(5)I felt good because I thought dieting was working
(6)I’m going to wrap this up. This is a little bit
(7)Introducing his friend, an internal medicine specialist
(8)My symptoms in the U.S. often get nosebleeds
(9)I lost a lot of weight
(10)He collapsed once or twice during filming
(11)The very next day, at the age of 64, he had his first medical examination
(12)Stage 2 Colorectal Cancer Judgment
(13)A large polyp had blocked the colon
(14)Found just before the liver or surrounding organs are eradicated
(15)According to the doctor, if you didn’t come today
(16)I almost died
(17)Successfully removed polyps in five operations
(18)I was diagnosed with stage 2 colorectal cancer
(19)You’ve been on the bench in front of the hospital for a long time
(20)I thought I could cure it like that
(21)2021 Mom’s liver relapses after B years
(22)He died of liver cancer in 2022
(23)Four months before he died
(24)She accepted it and organized her life
(25)He was 74 years old in Korea
(26)Within 6 months to 1 year

The symptoms of cancer that Heo Cham, the national MC, suffered

image text translation

(1)The time is KYU
(2)If you lose weight without dieting or exercising
(3)We have to strongly suspect cancer
(4)Cancer cells take away a lot of nutrients
(5)Losing weight
(6)other prognostic symptoms of cancer
(7)Change in bowel habits Severe constipation
(8)Bloody stool Red stool – may be hemorrhoids
(9)a black stool
(10)a very slender stool
(11)long-term indigestion and frequent indigestion
(12)Feeling bloated for a long time
(13)long-term heartburn
(14)Fainted or suddenly collapsed
(15)the condition of having a lump as big as a bean in one’s mouth
(16)a symptom of frequent bleeding in the mouth
(17)in one’s daily life
(18)a crippling general fatigue and lethargy
(19)In women, lumps that can be touched on the breast
(20)Other small bumps that can be touched by the body
(21)Neck armpit in the belly
(22)chest pain
(23)back pain
(24)I have shortness of breath. I get short of breath often
(25)lymph nodes near the armpits of the neck
(26)a lump as big as a bean
(27)It’s a cancer on the lymph nodes
(28)Lymph node pre-war is the 3rd stage of the mother
(29)a cough that lasts a month or two
(30)a cold sweat during sleep
(31)The symptoms of bending at the end of the nail
(32)It’s a symptomatic cancer that runs more often than early cancer
(33)Colorectal male success later
(34)He’s on a variety shows
(36)Don’t do health check-ups


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