image text translation
(1)I’m at the passport counter right now
(2)I feel like foreign scammers are making ends meet thanks to them
(3)You can’t make a reservation with the wrong passport and English name
(4)Oh, my. I already thought what to do
(5)I can’t change my English name. What should I do
(6)If I apply for my passport today, it won’t come out today
(7)I’m on a plane tomorrow
(8)You can’t book a flight with the passport you reported missing
(9)What should I do
(10)I’m at the airport, but I didn’t get it from the passport office. What should I do
(11)Why do you ask meLol. Lol
(12)You guys did the “BG” thing
(13)What can I do? I can’t travelLol. Lol
(14)I’m a psychologist because of the vase
(15)If you give up and step back, you don’t know
(16)There are people waiting in the back
(17)She’s not letting me go
(18)Even if there’s no way, I’m crying
(19)What do I do? You have to pay for a fool
(20)How the hell are you all living in this life
(21)Don’t you get scammed
(22)I’m really curious