Oh My Stroller Stroller Caption Wrongly Censored by Broadcasting Industry

Oh My Stroller Stroller Caption Wrongly Censored by Broadcasting Industry

image text translation

(1)Stroller → Baby car caption is wrong room
(2)Controversy over Songgye’s unfair censorship
(3)Input 20231105 PM 1249 Revised 20231107 AM 907 Articles
(4)one street
(5)How Captain Yoo Ah-cha became the main character of censorship
(6)Instead of stroller, it is an alternative expression recommended by the National Institute of the Korean Language for Infant Tea, the Seoul Foundation for Gender Equality and Family, and the Seoul Human Rights CommissionIt is based on the fact that only the mother mother was included in the stroller, which is contrary to the concept of equal parenting. In other words, it is a trend of the times to improve the burden of child-rearing that is biased toward women and change the language into gender-equal language. However, a program was branded as a censored broadcast for using the expression “child car” in its subtitles


Femi said censorship Lol

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