image text translation
(1)Wearing a school uniform
image text translation
image text translation
image text translation
(1)October 18, 2010image text translation
(2)A spokesperson for California Governor candidate Meg Whiteman tweeted on her Twitter with a related URL simply for support, and the URL posted at that time led to a video of Kim Hyun-mo’s bassist because of the typo
(3)There is a 140 character limit when posting on Twitter, but using httpbitlybNCAVr is a 140 character limit
(4)It’s httpbitlybNCAY without the end r
(5)Under the mechanism of bitly, a URL contracting service, a completely different address is connected by a single letter difference
(6)The original tweet is still here
(7)Eventually, the governor, though not sure whether it was influenced by Kim Hyun-mo, dropped out and took on the title of a bassist who dropped the U.S. governor
(8)Kim Hyun-mo’s video was uploaded and eventually dropped. lol
(9)LA 타임즈 기사 링크 httpswwwlatimescomarchivesblogstop-of-the-ticketstory2010-10-19opinion-nearly-a-full-day-later