image text translation
(1)I’m so lucky!
You said the shadow was big, but it’s the end

image text translation
(1)I’m so lucky!
(2)Sorokdo National Hospital
(1)They’re the good guys!
image text translation
(1)I’m so lucky!
image text translation
(1)I’m so lucky!
image text translation
(2)I almost cursed
(3)Pause k
(1)They’re the good guys!
image text translation
(2)Everyone, everyone
(3)It’s everything that’s named
(1)They’re the good guys!
image text translation
(3)Pause k
(1)It’s vibrating!
image text translation
(1)Whenever I see you
image text translation
(2)floating in the air
(3)You’re always floating around, tray head!
From Sunny