Song Jihyo posted a picture of “Running Man” on Instagram

Song Jihyo posted a picture of "Running Man" on Instagram

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(3)You look so happy to see Somin
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(5)Song Jihyo is not crazy lol. I’m a person who usually thinks Song Jihyo is too revealing, but he didn’t answer even when the members called and posted a group shot without the members when they were talking about getting off. It was so ridiculous. So I was embarrassed. Even after seeing this, those who say things like “Yeocho Sik” are intelligent
(6)Stop being a guest on Running Man So I still want my fans to take care of you Do it for your age Is there anything you can do alone? You’re not an entertainer, you’ve been a guest for 13 years
(7)He can’t figure out the mood. He’s the mapper because of the anti
(8)I got off
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(10)a reply
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(12)Jeon So Min is not even on the show yet
(13)After the car, I post pictures that I don’t have Isn’t this Jeon So Min’s MAC? If I posted a picture with Jeon So Min, I would have been less criticized, but I guess I wasn’t that close to Jeon So Min
(14)7 more replies
(15)I didn’t upload a group photo of the members
(16)He posts it as soon as the name is out. If it’s controversial
(17)I really don’t know
(18)Good. 53 replies
(19)Lol, this is enough for me to curse
(20)My face is so old that I can’t afford to be old
(21)I’m going to do it. It’s not a concept. I’m just thinking
(22)It doesn’t look like Jeon So-min. It’s a pity that an actress puts everything down and works comfortably and gets paid
(23)Good. 16 replies
(24)I agree. I don’t have makeup on
(25)It’s like Zumma. Song Jihyo, there’s a difference between wearing makeup and not wearing makeup
(26)Munam used to be a good person, but now it’s gone. I don’t know why I posted a picture without Jeon So-min. I don’t know if the drop-off broadcast went out and I took it with Jeon So-min, but I don’t have any pictures with me and if I post a picture of Jeon So-min after getting off, I don’t think you went well
(27)Good. 12 replies
(28)I’m the one who refuted everything you said
(29)So when Jeon So Min gets off, at least in the picture
(30)You should post a picture you took with Jeon So Min or Choi
(31)At least these words come and go Buy it if you don’t want it to be heard
(32)I don’t know if I’m coming out of Jin or if I don’t know what he posted
(33)Good. Five
(34)And Song Jihyo’s broadcast
(35)Look at his attitude. No matter how many times you wash him and shield him on Instagram
(36)Do Song Ji-tae is also like that, and he gets paid for it’s Gunhyo
(37)It’s really a bad move. Go watch the comments on YouTube. It’s done
(38)When we have a company dinner
(39)Ah Somin, I think I’ll go to Singapore next time I shoot “Running Man”
(40)I’ll ask if it’s okay to post a picture without you
(41)There might be people who don’t know, but watching
(42)They’re thinking a little bit about where they’re thinking about it JIHYO’s personality
(43)I quit Somin because of the bad comments. Let’s get off
(44)I didn’t mean to post on Instagram in Java
(45)That’s all I can see
(46)Okay, one. Posting a comment
(47)He hasn’t posted any pictures about Running Man in the last two years
(48)Before the last episode of your colleague’s departure comes out, that member
(49)What a buried car to get rid of the suddenness
(50)Let’s leave 103 replies
(51)That’s so true
(52)What’s so nice about acting like nothing else? LOL
(53)Song Jihyo’s extreme fan chant
(54)Lee Jeon Min-te is excluded from the compensation due to continuous malicious comments
(55)Create a family curse Somin Out Account. Every Youngseo, every horse award
(56)You’re going out because you’re cursing a lot
(57)I’m a full-time family
(58)I think it’s because I’m having a hard time with bad comments
(59)Even if you don’t say anything, you’ll just sit by and shoot a show
(60)When it wasn’t sent directly, the members would laugh at me without Somin
(61)Take a group photo of “Running Man” for two years
(62)It makes sense but doesn’t know if it’s an action, but this is an award
(64)As I said earlier
(65)I did read itRunning Man group photos periodically
(66)I don’t know if I posted it. As soon as I said “Sodehacha”, “Fan ID”
(67)It’s not that. I won’t use any of the songs that So Min said
(68)If you don’t have a prize with Yoo Jihyo
(69)But I don’t understand that you’ve been waiting for all the malicious comments
(70)sitting on the sidelines
(71)It’s not like you’re posting something like this
(72)Good. Four
(73)o9 You really have no conscience
(74)24 is good
(75)It’s obvious that you don’t think much. Good 49 Answers
(76)See 4 more replies

Jeon So-min is saying something in the comments that he posted it first without taking a picture with her after getting off

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