Exoplanets Found Inside Earth

Exoplanets Found Inside Earth

Exoplanets Found Inside Earth

image text translation

(1)I was surprised by the shocking story
(2)November 2023
(3)This study was selected as a cover for nature
(4)4.5 billion years ago
(5)Thea, a primitive planet the size of Mars
(6)It hit the earth now
(7)And the rubble that hit formed the moon
(8)This is what scientists thought was the birth of the moon
(9)November 2, 2023
(10)Shocking research published in nature
(11)It existed inside the Earth
(12)about 30 years ago
(13)Scientists use earthquake waves
(14)We’ve managed to figure out the inside of the Earth
(15)According to this announcement in nature
(16)Right now, there’s a protoplanet hidden deep inside the Earth
(17)the collision of the earth and theia
(18)1400 km deep
(19)20 hours and 4.5 billion years later
(20)primitive earth
(21)low shear wave velocity
(22)the earth today
(23)After the collision with Teia
(24)Data = Nature
(25)about ten valence of Teia
(26)500 million years later
(27)It’s sunk below the Earth’s mantle
(28)Under the earth we live on now
(29)It existed 4.5 billion years ago
(30)I’m a totally different alien planet, 10th
(31)He’s alive and breathing figurative expression
(32)The researchers found evidence of ten Thea under the Earth
(33)I suggested three things
(34)Evidence 1 RODE
(35)collision simulation
(36)First is computer simulation
(37)Evidence 2 RODE
(38)chemical difference
(39)Secondly, the taea and the earth mantle were chemically different
(40)Evidence 3 RODE Ultra High Resolution Simulation
(41)Mantle City
(42)Lastly, researchers say
(43)Evidence 3 RODE seconds high resolution simulation
(44)Put about 10 iron in the earth’s mantle
(45)Evidence 3 RODE Ultra High-Resolution Mantle Simulation
(46)We’ve simulated 4.5 billion years of history in ultra-high resolution
(47)I saw how the mantle changes when you put in about 10 iron
(48)As a result, the researchers have found that
(49)I could see the odd spots forming
(50)And the size of these stains
(51)Two spots inside the Earth that have been discovered now
(52)So, two drops and
(53)I confirmed that it’s very similar
(54)Two giant drops of Earth, a mystery for 40 years
(55)It was Teia’s 10
(56)There’s another planet inside the Earth right now
(57)The researchers who led the study
(58)Another planet has taken its place inside the Earth
(59)over billions of years
(61)There’s a special
(62)He claimed it might have worked
(63)If this test makes the hypothesis true
(64)The earth, roughly speaking
(65)It’s not pure blood
(66)mixed with other planets
(67)Maybe it’s a hybrid
(68)Dr. Qian, who actually led the study, said
(69)Something huge
(70)for billions of years
(71)made the earth special

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