image text translation
(1)20231103 MBC News
(2)In September 2017, A, a man in his 60s
(3)I’ve heard the news
(4)My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer
(5)Because of complications, my wife had epilepsy and Parkinson’s
(6)After that, he developed delirium symptoms
(7)Delirium is a syndrome that causes overall brain dysfunction
(8)Cognitive and communicative disorders
(9)Husband A’s care that lasted for five and a half years after his wife was diagnosed with lung cancer
(10)However, Mr. A used tools last April
(11)I suffocated my wife to death
(12)According to the police investigation, Mr. A said that his wife was suffering from delirium
(13)When he started falling and getting injured at home
(14)It’s understood he was trying to make an extreme choice after killing him
(15)Mr. A has been working and caring at the same time
(16)He was scheduled to hire a resident caregiver in May, the month after the crime
(17)After I decided to kill my wife
(18)On my computer and cell phone
(19)in the form of a suicide note
(20)The court asked A, who was accused of murdering his wife
(21)sentenced to four years in prison
(22)Mr. A admitted all of his charges at the trial
(23)Seoul Central District Court
(24)The bereaved families of the moat suffered due to A’s crime
(26)a great spirit
(27)180414A is a member of the bereaved family
(28)I couldn’t agree
(29)Mr. A maintained a small marital relationship and took care of his wife before the crime,” he got married in 1996
(31)After the crime, the court itself is considerable
(32)a feeling of guilt
(33)It feels like everything is here
(34)Seoul Central District Court
(35)The sentence was decided based on the fact that Mr. A had no history of criminal punishment and that he was deplored
(36)Mr. A’s friends