image text translation
(1)Topic > Blah Blah
(2)No-san is the most disgusting thing in our country
(4)a civil servant
(5)Even when you’re older, you can take a test tube or whatever
(6)People who will have children are good
(7)You keep telling me to get married when I’m young
(8)The social atmosphere seems to be forcing you
(9)You say you’re more likely to be deformed, but you’re less than 1%
(10)If you see him instigating
(11)I feel like I’m watching the mad cow disease before
(12)Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd
(13)It’s true that the rate of deformed babies increases rapidly after the mid-30s
(14)Korea Safety and Health Agency ·
(15)These days, women listen to everything when they complain
(16)They’re trying to deny science too lol
(17)doctors and horses
(18)Male spermatogonial cells are stem cells, so they’re always 0 years old, but women’s first ova
(19)How come you don’t know that cells eat at their body age
(20)The scientific facts don’t change when you whine about your male age
(21)Oocytes age as much as women
(22)Wonik IPSS
(23)Surprisingly, there are many creatures that don’t know this
(24)Doctor. j
(25)You’re smart
(26)Pork and persimmon
(27)ASE Korea goes to school
(28)You’re level nine. You don’t know how high 1 percent is
(29)Gyeonggi Provincial Government House
(30)My acquaintance is also 39, whether it’s good to take care of your health, better to ride it, or lucky
(31)She got married and had her first child right away. She had a uterine bump procedure
(32)But I think it’s harder to raise a child when you’re older than to give birth
(33)Applied Materials Korea · C
(34)It’s like a door. You seem ignorant of numbers and probabilities
(35)Wonik IPH
(36)If you get 000000000001% or 100%
(37)But I think he lacks that concept
(39)You’re fighting Mother Nature
(40)Korea Railroad Corporation · Former
(41)What kind of gaslighting sound is that scientifically proven
(42)a veterinary clinic
(43)Old lady vs Mother Nature’s heart becomes grand
(44)National Health Insurance Corporation j
(45)8x Young fighting science even though they’re ruined by old age
(46)Yes. I thought you were watching the Communist Party
(47)○ a big letter
(48)Women fighting against Mother Nature lol