Why the recruitment difficulty for small and medium-sized Businesses

Why the recruitment difficulty for small and medium-sized Businesses

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(1)”There’s no one to work.” Most of the small and medium-sized companies are understaffed
(2)There’s no one to work with KBS 20231011, where most of the small and medium-sized enterprises are understaffed

Picking a slave cheap and multi-tasking to get the mulberry out of all kinds of work

When do you succeed after work now, or persuade them with all kinds of sweet words to make it cheap like a dog

About two-thirds are family

Wife, children, brother-in-law, nephew, friend, junior, etc

The benefits of the company come to the family

The other third of the slaves just struggle to raise the company’s sales

If you don’t keep a knife on your way to work, it’s a fine, so you shouldn’t mess up

But if you keep it on your way home, you’ll get stabbed in the back

I don’t want money right now, so I get less money than a rat

Everyone has no choice but to cry and stick to the cow

The above desperation and desperation are somehow exploited by the representatives

a competition among slaves

Step on each other and compete with each other. Throw another piece of gum to someone who’s good at it

Then I’ll work harder

Why the recruitment difficulty for small and medium-sized Businesses
image text translation

(1)24 million won a year is also employed to provide meals for small and medium-sized enterprises
(2)I’m not doing it. Why do I have to listen to the text
(3)Seoul Newspaper
(4)Article input 2017-07-191801 Article text
(5)24 million won a year for providing meals for small and medium-sized enterprises
(6)I don’t want to join the company. Why
(7)We’re going to give you dinner, you wacky pups
(8)I don’t need dinner. Send me home, you punk
(9)You’re a bunch of nerds looking for pampering

Why the recruitment difficulty for small and medium-sized Businesses

image text translation

(1)If you go to a small and medium-sized enterprise because it is difficult to get a job at a public enterprise, you will get an annual salary of 1800~2400 retirement benefits included six days a week or every other Saturday, no annual leave, no annual leave, no overtime pay, no overtime pay, no vision, no hope, people quit every day, a family-like company atmosphere of 50,000 won a year. If you ask for a salary increase, there are many people who can work except you, and we can’t do that, you asked for a salary increase, but you asked for a salary increase, but you treated the employee as a consumable by raising your ears. Korea’s small and medium-sized enterprises’ new employee retirement rate of 90 pyramid structures within a year, accounting for more than 60 such small and medium-sized enterprises – Reality
(2)Report 2017-01-240755

Why the recruitment difficulty for small and medium-sized Businesses

image text translation

(1)The reason why the employment difficulty is getting worse in Korea is that three people
(2)One person can’t find a job and two people work overtime because two people work differently
(3)I’m suffering, but the owner’s baby can’t even do that for one person. Each stock is in stock
(4)September 22, 2016, 1056 AM
(5)9224 Retweet 906 I like it

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