Koguryo, an unexpectedly troubled country.k.a. unexpectedly

Koguryo, an unexpectedly troubled country.k.a. unexpectedly

image text translation

(1)Koguryo is a country that hits home the more you get to know it
(2)bdf920220513 1743 Inquiries 3014 Contents Skip
(3)In early Goguryeo, there were only ponies, so they constantly took away Buyeo’s horses
(4)Koguryo people
(5)be a horse thief
(7)고구려 사람의 준거遵鋸
(8)In the “Wiseo” thermoelectric Goguryeo kingdom and the radiant thermoelectric Goryeo dynasty
(9)It is recorded that Goguryeo people like to crouch down
(10)What are you talking about? We even held a memorial service for you. Come here
(11)Lol. Lol. Lol
(13)At night, men and women get together and play
(14)There is no distinction between the precious and the lowly 14
(15)If we like each other
(16)恥爲 바로 했다
(17)When you bow to Koguryo, you kneel on one knee. If you get into a fight, you jump right away
(18)I’m going to go out and hit first
(19)Me, me, me, me, me, me
(20)Wow, that’s so cool Lol
(21)ㅇ Code 222006-07 1252 x
(22)the greetings of the Goguryeo people
(23)Koguryo people bend only one leg in addition to a regular temple
(24)I used to do 胡 with a bowing tongue, but this custom is feet
(25)It goes on to the sun
(26)BRIEF-Gil tool’s blog
(27)”Goguryo Goryeo Joseon’s Orangutan Personnel Act Hogwe”
(28)the greetings of the Goguryeo people
(29)Dong Yi Yeoljeon Dong 夷列傳 Goguryeo China
(30)If the Koguryo people are in a state of sophistication
(31)One leg
(32)be attractive
(33)Southern history
(34)Joseon 鮮 Goguryeo China
(35)The new 申 is making a comment
(37)kneel down and bowing
(38)the art of kneeling down by an orangutan
(39)It’s so funny whenever I see the story of “Goguokjeo”
(40)f10b 202103121433 Inquiry 396 Content Skip
(41)There’s no festival because the house is robbed so much, but Koguryo wants the house to flourish
(42)It’s funny that I did itLolKimLol
(43)Additional 2 packs of Holoris
(44)2 pack additional gift
(45)Comments 2
(46)Let them farm wellTake it from me
(47)Koguryo Jecheon Event Aang Okje and Dongye wishing for a good harvest~ Let’s be weak
(48)ㅃ It is interesting why Oh Koguryo practiced Seookje
(49)6f50 20210419 1152 Inquiries 21891 Contents Skip
(50)When I was in school, Goguryeo was Seo Okje and Okje was Min daughter-in-law and Dongye was
(51)I memorized it when I was in an extramarital relationship, but the economy and society and culture are different from each other
(52)The reason why it became so close was that it was big during the economic structure
(53)In the case of Goguryeo
(54)1 It is almost difficult to farm because it is only the mountain range of the Yalu River
(55)It’s a real exploitation
(56)So, to go to another country and steal property and grain
(57)I didn’t know that I was going to make a lot of money
(58)Everyone’s protecting the bubble wrap. But who’s protecting the house to go? If it’s a girl
(59)Manon, even if he needed a man
(60)The man who would play that role was the son-in-law, who could make a lot of money
(61)If you let your son out of the conquest, and you let him manage the house, you’re not going to have a son-in-law
(62)5 So Koguryo didn’t ask for a marriage. 6 Yeah, the Ministry of Mental Health didn’t even ask the groom for a marriage
(63)To pay for my house’s services
(64)The bride gives birth to a baby and the child is 10 years old
(65)I had to play the guard role in the bride’s house until I was more than a year old
(66)the Lord of the House
(67)1 Ookjeo is located in Hamheung Plain and faces Donghae-do, so they also farm
(68)It was rich in products, too
(69)2 Blessedly, there is no great difficulty in raising a family
(70)It was a land that was received, but it was a land that had enough political system and military power to protect it
(71)ㅜI didn’t
(72)3 So, every time I farmed and caught a fish, I told Goguryeo
(73)It’s my daily life to be surprised
(74)4 It was hard to feed her full even if she gave birth to a child, so it was best to send her young daughter home and give her another bite. The groom’s side when sending her home
(75)5 I asked for a Gracie marriage, so the rest of the street
(76)the livelihood of the people
(77)jㅊ Relocation of Three Kingdoms to West East
(78)Recommendation 387
(79)Koguryo didn’t farm well, but every house had a warehouse
(80)- It’s a warehouse where loot was stored
(81)There were no criminals in Goguryeo because there was no prison, but there was no prison because it needed to be imprisoned
(82)- If convicted, the death penalty
(83)Guryo didn’t say much
(84)- Oh, so I want to steal big horses from other regions and ride them
(85)Why was there a looting of a mother-grown child in Goguryeo
(86)After you do it, you have to be protected at home
(87)There were only kids, so my son-in-law was at the house key
(88)Then why is Ok Jaemin’s daughter-in-law Jame
(89)- You always get robbed by Goguryeo and asked her to get married soon
(90)Koguryo’s basic strategy of dealing with China. Those guys will someday take our country
(91)Let’s play first
(92)Just looking at the record, ChinaLol. Lol
(93)I can see that you used to pull off a crane in the past
(94)When you get married, you get married and you’re so angry
(95)ㅇ Code c2dd 06-07 1132
(96)I have so many weaknesses in war that I searched early, so I bought a veterinarian first
(97)They said it was. LOL
(98)ㅇ Code c2dd 06-07 1133
(99)ShitLolKoguryo babies are crazy about logic jumping
(100)It’s funny because it’s my ancestors
(101)You’re like medicineLol. Lol
(102)Lol. Lol Lol. Lol
(103)If Koguryo had been unified, Japan would have fallen before the 20th century
(104)ㄴㄹㅇLolYou might not have been able to stand it on the side sink.oo Code 6e7706-07 1135 ×
(105)ㅆㅂLol. Lol
(107)I’m so excited
(108)I really messed up when I was in the Silla guys. Moonoo Code f56a 06-07 1208 X4>
(109)I think it was Gwanggaeto the Great because of the Silla Wokgu installation
(110)I’m sure you all went on an expedition right away. I unified myself in my territory
(111)If they’re tied when they vote for generations of top officials, they’re dead Lol Lol the king should have just kept the gate closed because he couldn’t do anything lol. Lol. Code 222506-07 1135 x hawkish
(112)What’s this? A kick-offLol. Lol
(113)The old Goryeo Dynasty was also a good girl. Song Na-eun sold it only in the Hwangnara writing room, wrote Song Ho, and wrote a story, and the Ssudopa Gaebanging situation system sent it to Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha-ha
(114)La Hwang-te-Yeon-la (a kind of yellow rice cake)
(115)Considering the Koryo Geumsu theory, it’s a malicious one
(116)Lol. LolIt’s so funny
(117)the theory of Goryeo’sLol Are you saying that Goryeo people are not babies
(119)I’d be able to survive the disaster-stricken Mongols, you know, in Europe, you know, they treated me like crazy
(120)·Goryeo Geumsu-ron’s suggestionLol. LolCode 5413 06-07 1341
(121)It’s funny that Kkurk uses when he swears in Korea, but bbff 20220401 1145 inquiry 6863 contents Skipbbangtsuyu
(122)The etymology is said to be a Goguryeo man with a bat, how much he must have been beaten
(123)Recommendation 214
(124)From now on, the rain of a magician called “Ghost Bo” in Wave
(125)Comments 28
(126)The trauma hit by Goguryeo lasts thousands of yearsLol
(127)I don’t know, but I didn’t know. Does it mean Dong-A-Rae? Springoo Code 9fa904-01 1146 x can’t separate because they were singing duckbreads lol The word is not Goryeo or that
(128)the pro-North Korean process
(129)It was ruined by internal division
(130)So the Bukans are now!ㅇ Code 5d6205-13 1755 x
(131)You laugh because you’re my ancestors Lol. Lol
(132)2222Lol. Lol
(133)333 lol Lol. Loloo Code cffo 05-13 1757 X
(134)44444444444ㅇㅇ Code a28705-13 1804 x
(135)WhatLolSo interesting
(136)Maybe it’s because he’s an ancestor, but he’s an attractive lamb Lol
(137)If I study Korean history like this, I won’t forget it. It’s so much fun


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