A pizza delivery man in the U.S. jpg


July 11, 2022

There was a fire in a neighborhood in Indiana in the U.S

A pizza delivery man carrying a child was photographed on the police body camera

The detailed story is more touching

He ran into the house on fire and shouted, “No one’s here,” but there was no answer

I could’ve just walked out of there, but I went to the second floor and the four kids were shaking

I led them out and checked again to see if anyone was inside, and found that a little girl, six years old, was still trapped

I ran back in, but I couldn’t see anything because of the smoke and the flames

He continued his search by crawling on the floor, broke the evacuation window to the second floor, and threw himself to escape in search for a 6-year-old girl

And what he said to the firefighter when he collapsed from exhaustion

A pizza delivery man in the U.S. jpg
A pizza delivery man in the U.S. jpgPlease tell him he’s safe

A pizza delivery man in the U.S. jpgNick Bostic, the main character of the story, was treated for severe toxic gas inhalation and a right arm injury

A pizza delivery man in the U.S. jpgAll five of the children he saved are said to be healthy

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