Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)Last Friday, the 10th and 27th, on Thailand’s X-YEON Twitter
(2)#No. 1 hashtag search number for prohibited visits to Korea

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)I was rejected by immigration in Korea
(2)He was deported or taken to an interview room

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)Translating a post
(2)air tickets and hotels

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)an objection to the decision to disallow entry
(2)I object to your decision not to enter the country on the grounds that it does not meet the entry conditions, so I appeal as follows
(3)1 aguna nationality
(4)2 So-HANA Statement
(5)3 Tuhou Din’s date of birth
(6)Date and time of notification of disallowing entry
(7)5 Inawalumsansini subtitarSun Objection Reasons Specifically stated
(8)Your objection may be restricted if there is no specific change in the reasons for filing an objection
(9)I was recently denied entry to Korea
(10)”I traveled to 20 countries around the world”
(11)I was denied entry only in Korea

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(2)Travelers from Thailand will visit Korea’s immigration office
(3)on a strict immigration check

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)Angry Thai Traveler #NoVisitKorea SNS Condemnation Overburdens What Happened
(2)Thai people who are banned from traveling to Korea are angry at the denial of entry. Even the prime minister is also angry
(3)entry and exit
(4)the development of critical public opinion

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)a situation in which there is even a barrageously

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)Thai Prime Minister Setawisin
(2)by the Korean immigration office

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)Thai Prime Minister Seta Tawisin
(2)Thai people are constantly being deported

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)Thai Prime Minister Setawisin
(2)the act of investigating a problem at the government level

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)Local media said, “Many of the Thai people who entered Korea
(2)in agriculture, lodging, manufacturing, etc
(3)They often get illegal jobs

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)Thailand has more than 100,000 illegal immigrants

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

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(1)a report said that it is estimated

Anti-Korean issue of chaos in Thailand

image text translation

(1)”Because of this, legitimate tourists
(2)Pointing out that you’re being damaged


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