image text translation
(3)Long time no see.
(4)A lot of time has passed
(5)I guess you’re all grown up now
(6)Even though I’m an adult like you
(7)I think I need more time
(8)Thank you so much and I’m sorry
(9)November 02, 2023, 125 PM, 313 thousand views
(10)421 Repost 1547 Quote 168 I like it
(11)51 Bookmarks
(12)PD Great Spirit pdgreatspirit 6pm
(13)Reply to pdgreatspirit
(14)The treatment is nearing the end of this month
(15)I’ve had the same dream every day since 2016
(16)I got tired and got treated And today
(17)It’s my first time logging in to Twitter
(18)I had a dream about communicating with you
(1)PD Great Spirit pdgreatspirit, 6 o’clockimage text translation
(2)Reply to pdgreatspirit
(3)The treatment is nearing the end of this month
(4)I’ve had the same dream every day since 2016
(5)I got tired and got treated And today
(6)It’s my first time logging in to Twitter
(7)I had a dream about communicating with you
(8)il 272 thousand
(9)PD Great Spirit pdgreatspirit 6pm
(10)There’s a lot of criticism and criticism, but slowly, one by one
(11)It was a dream where I sincerely apologized, and it was not a bad dream for me, who always avoided it
(12)will 26 thousand
(13)I’m so scared and I regret my mistakes
(14)I couldn’t stop blaming myself
(15)I really hated myself Including myself
(16)I’m afraid of the gaze, so I’m forgotten in my memory
(17)It’s been seven years since I’ve spent time waiting to disappear
(18)will 236 thousand
(19)I don’t regret being forgotten and erased
(20)Why do I act like an adult earlier
(21)I regret that I couldn’t do it. Our viewers, who were in elementary and middle school, are all members of society now
(1)PD Great Spirit pdgreatspirit, 6 o’clockimage text translation
(2)I don’t regret being forgotten and erased
(3)Why do I act like an adult earlier
(4)I regret that I couldn’t do it. Our viewers, who were in elementary and middle school, are all members of society now
(5)It’s done
(6)ill 315 thousand
(7)I don’t know if it’ll be a good memory for each of my friends
(8)I’m sure you have different ideas, but for a short time, I’ll be able to
(9)I was happy to make you happy
(10)will 281 thousand
(11)Apple Jam aorgbiv1018·1:00
(12)Reply to pdgreatspirit
(13)I was an elementary school student when I was watching videos
(14)You’re getting a job
(15)I think a lot of time has passed
(16)I’m going to take out the videos that were in the middle of my memories and have fun
(17)I’ve had many experiences that made me feel good
(18)I’ll be silent as a third party about what happened
(19)I’m rooting for your future
(20)PD Great Spirit pdgreatspirit21 minutes
(21)It’s been a while, but you came to see me
(22)Thank you for leaving us a nice day
(23)Posting a reply
Three-line summary
1 Psychiatric treatment is over
2. I know there’s no turning back
3. Sorry