image text translation
(1)Lee Sunkyun needs to come to Hollywood and learn. Honestly, that’s ridiculous
(2)So, hemp
(3)I’m thinking about how much edible hemp chocolate it contains
(4)I’m playing a game to see if I should eat jelly to mistake me for an egg, but their lives are ripped off because they’re marijuana
(5)Is Korea one of the countries that is overly strict with the drug
(6)Instead, he’s the world’s No. 1 drinker
(7)No, it’s totally upside down
(8)I think drug-related issues are a sector that lags behind in East Asia
(9)I lived in Korea for a while, and my antipathy to drugs is crazy
(10)Ye-In, if the pi-career is completely ruined
(11)And according to Korean law, you go to countries where drugs are legal and use them
(12)No matter what, Koreans go to Amsterdam, eat edible, and take medicine in Korea
(13)A Singaporean execution of a person over a drug issue, of course
(14)It’s like a sea bed
(15)I’m watching The Glory and I’m like a fentanyl addict
(16)You drew it