Japanese Military Sexual Slavery’s philosophy department at Kyung Hee University is furious at the voluntary prostitution professor’s remarks

image text translation
(1)Kyung Hee University is a Japanese Military Sexual Slavery prostitute
(2)Immediately dismiss Professor Choi Jung-sik!
(3)- Philosophy and Alumni –
Choi Jeong-sik, a philosophy professor at Kyung Hee University, is giving a lecture
The Japanese Military Sexual Slavery is voluntary
The department’s alumni association is protesting to demand the dismissal of the professor, and civic groups have also filed a complaint
According to the alumni association of Kyung Hee University’s philosophy department on the 1st, Professor Choi of the department made remarks denying the forced mobilization of Japanese Japanese Military Sexual Slaverys in a total of two lectures, once each last year and once this year
In the first semester of last year, he gave a basic lecture on Western philosophy
Many of the Japanese military Japanese Military Sexual Slaverys went voluntarily, and they do not have to be for prostitutes
be quoted as saying
Professor Choi made a similar argument during the same lecture in the first semester of this year. At the meeting, Professor Choi said, “Those who followed the Japanese military and engaged in prostitution are comfort women.”
When asked by a student if the victims of the Japanese military Japanese Military Sexual Slavery were giving false testimony, he said it was false
I wasn’t dragged away If you go there, you make a lot of money and go there voluntarily because you like it
be reported to have answered
Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Even though grandmothers’ bloodied testimony is real
It’s amazing that you’re talking nonsense. Kyung Hee University repeats such absurd remarks
Immediately dismiss Professor Choi Jung-sik!!