I’m trust in the hot place these days

I'm trust in the hot place these days

image text translation

(1)Review 1 Starlight Average 5020231028
(2)I was going to visit you today
(3)Saturday is closed
(4)Unfortunately, I’ll make sure to visit the next time
(5)I am sad right now
(6)Good. 5899
(7)Review 32 star rating average 25 20231028
(8)Next time, I’m going to go
(9)Good, 819

I'm trust in the hot place these days

image text translation

(1)Review 9 Horoscope Average 37 20231028
(2)Okay, this is I am trust
(3)Good, four
(4)Late 5 Stars Average 3420231028
(5)I like pork cutlet
(6)I want to go to iam
(7)This is a good restaurant
(8)Like 1>

I'm trust in the hot place these days

image text translation

(1)Review 7 Horoscope Average 31 20231028
(2)I’m very angry that I didn’t know
(3)Korea no1. I’m very curious about the place where rich people go, so I should go
(4)Okay, where the rich go, I’m trusting
(5)Good, 1853
(6)Review 1 star rating average 50 20231028
(7)After this exam, I will visit Ganghwado with my friend. I haven’t tested yet, but I heard that it’s very popular. I trust you
(8)Good 5 ●>

Everyone’s ruined, but one is open

NY hot due to pilgrimage

I'm trust in the hot place these days
image text translation

Lol. Lol I am so funny

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